4-Channel Current/Voltage
Output Module
User Guide
Issued: 13.3.08
Copyright 2001-2007 Campbell Scientific Inc.
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1. Introduction..................................................................1
2. Specifications ..............................................................2
2.1 General Specifications..............................................................................2
2.2 Output Specifications................................................................................3
2.3 Isolation Specifications.............................................................................3
3. Power Considerations.................................................4
4. Installation....................................................................4
4.1 Connection to a Datalogger ......................................................................4
4.2 Output Device Connections......................................................................6
4.2.1 Voltage Output Mode .....................................................................6
4.2.2 Current Output Mode......................................................................6
4.2.3 Shield and Ground Connections .....................................................8
4.2.4 Output Terminal Connectors...........................................................8
4.3 Output Mode Setting ................................................................................8
4.4 SDM Address Setting ...............................................................................9
4.5 Safety Considerations.............................................................................10
5. General Principles of Use.........................................12
5.1 Voltage or Current Signalling.................................................................12
5.2 Providing Excitation Supplies to Sensors...............................................12
6. Datalogger Instruction (103).....................................13
6.1 Edlog Instruction 103 .............................................................................13
6.2 Edlog Program Examples .......................................................................15
6.2.1 Voltage and 0-20 mA Current Output Modes...............................15
6.2.2 Restricted Range Current Output Modes (4-20 mA) ....................17
6.2.3 Providing Isolated Power Supplies to Sensor ...............................18
6.3 CRBasic SDM-CVO4 Instruction ..........................................................20
6.4 SDM-CVO4 Instruction Example...........................................................21
1. SDM-CVO4................................................................................................1
4-1. Use of the Spring-Loaded Terminal Blocks (Top Position)....................5
4-2. Use of the Spring-Loaded Terminal Blocks (Front Position)..................5
4-3. Location of Jumpers on Circuit Board ....................................................9
4-4. Address Selection Switch......................................................................10
4-1. Datalogger to SDM-CVO4 Connections.................................................4
4-2. Switch Position and Addresses .............................................................10
6-1. Description of Instruction 103 ..............................................................14
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage
Output Module
The SDM-CVO4 is a synchronously addressed datalogger peripheral designed to allow the
datalogger to output variable voltage or current signals under program control.
Figure 1. SDM-CVO4 (shown without mounting brackets)
1. Introduction
The SDM-CVO4 expands the analogue output capability of Campbell Scientific
dataloggers. Each output can be set to 0-10V or 0-20mA by the datalogger. The
output can be scaled and limited to 4-20mA by the datalogger program if required
by the application.
Typical applications will include driving remote ‘current-loop’ display units, re-
transmitting measured values to industrial control systems which have current or
high voltage inputs, sending control signals to valve controllers and providing
excitation voltages or currents to external sensors.
Each output is isolated both from the datalogger and the other channels on the
CVO4, thereby avoiding ground loop problems that might otherwise occur.
In the current mode the output can either act as a 2-wire current controller, where
the loop is powered from a remote voltage source, or it can be used to generate a
0-20 mA current source using a voltage output derived from its own power
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
The SDM-CVO4 is a synchronously addressed datalogger peripheral. Datalogger
control ports 1, 2 and 3 are used to address the SDM-CVO4 and send out data that
defines the desired voltage/current output of each of the four channels. The output
levels are set by four values in successive input locations in the datalogger. A total
of up to sixteen SDM-CVO4s or other SDM peripherals may be connected and
addressed from the same three ‘SDM’ ports.
For the CR10/10X, CR23X, CR7 and 21X dataloggers Instruction
103 is used to control the SDM-CVO4. This was introduced in
August 1988 for controlling SDM-AO4 functions. (The SDM-AO4
is an older voltage-output-only peripheral.) Dataloggers purchased
before this date may use a different instruction.
The SDM-CVO4 instruction is used with the CR800, CR1000,
CR3000, and CR5000.
2. Specifications
2.1 General Specifications
Compatible dataloggers: CR10X, CR800, CR1000, CR3000, CR5000, and
CR7. Also compatible with many retired
dataloggers such as the CR10, 21X, and CR23X.
Operating voltage:
12 VDC nominal (8 V to 16 V)
Current drain at 12V DC: Typical active quiescent current 27 or 54 mA,
depending on operating mode (no load on output
ports). To estimate the total current, add the
quiescent current to the sum of all output currents
multiplied by 1.5.
E.g. if each port is at 10 mA output, the total = 54 +
(1.5*4*10) = 114 mA. The device can be shut down
to <0.5 mA with all outputs off.
Maximum Total SDM cable length: 6 m.
Operating temperature:
-25°C to +50°C standard (-40 to 80°C optional)
176 mm wide x 111 mm high x 24 mm deep.
234 mm wide x 111 mm high x 24 mm deep when
fitted with brackets for mounting in enclosure, etc.
Mounting brackets have two holes at 203.2 mm (8")
spacing for screw fixings.
370 g
EMC Status:
Complies with EN55022-1:1998 and EN50082-
Instruction Manual
2.2 Output Specifications
Voltage Mode:
Range: 0 – 10,000 mV
Resolution: 2.5 mV
Maximum Output Current: 30 mA per channel.
Minimum load current: 5 μA if output < 200 mV.
Accuracy (+23°C) ±0.02% of set voltage,
+ (± 2.5 mV).
Accuracy (-25 to +50°C) ±0.13% of set voltage,
+ (± 2.5 mV).
Current Mode:
Range: 0 – 20 mA
Resolution: 5 μA
Minimum output current (leakage): 5 μA at +50°C.
Accuracy (+23°C) ±0.02% of full scale range,
+ (± 5 μA).
Accuracy (-25 to +50°C) ±0.1% of full scale range,
+ (± 5 μA).
Minimum voltage drop across the internal current
regulating circuit: 2.5 V at 20 mA current flow.
Maximum voltage into Id relative to channel ground:
20 VDC.
When in current mode, the Vo terminal outputs an
unregulated voltage source at 15 V nominal (±10%),
30 mA maximum load.
Please contact Campbell Scientific for the accuracy
specification on extended temperature tested units.
2.3 Isolation Specifications
Design criteria:
The unit has an internal isolation barrier and
components rated to provide signal isolation for
transients up to 1500 VAC (RMS), 2500 VDC
nominal. The isolation is between any output and
the SDM-CVO4 ground connection and between
individual output channels.
Protection components are built-in, which will break
down in a controlled fashion at voltages close to this
limit (see section 4.5, Safety Issues).
Tested isolation:
Each channel of each unit is tested for isolation
resistance at 500 VDC. Pass level > 10 MΩ.
Maximum recommended continuous operating voltage:
240 VAC RMS differential between an output and
datalogger ground - providing all issues relating to
local regulations for safe installation and operation
are followed (see section 4.5, safety issues).
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
3. Power Considerations
The SDM-CVO4 power requirements are large compared to most Campbell
Scientific products, especially when driving significant loads. Care must be taken
to ensure that the power supply can cope with this higher demand.
Alkaline batteries are not recommended for long term applications.
The SDM-CVO4 has two internal power supplies, one for channels 1 and 2 and
one for channels 3 and 4. It will only turn on the power supply for channels 3 and
4 if sent an instruction that sets the output of those channels. If channels 3 and 4
are not used the power consumption is approximately 20 mA lower than when all
outputs are used.
Where supported by the datalogger, and when the application allows it, the SDM-
CVO4 can be shut down to reduce its consumption to less than 0.5 mA. In this
state all outputs are switched off.
4. Installation
Prior to installing the device you need to set the output mode (current or voltage)
of each channel by positioning internal jumpers (see section 4.3). You also need
to set the SDM address of the module (see section 4.4) and additionally consider
any safety issues specific to the installation (see section 4.5).
4.1 Connection to a Datalogger
For datalogger connections, see Table 4-1, below.
Table 4-1. Datalogger to SDM-CVO4 Connections
Connection Order SDM-CVO4
12 V
or G
12 V on datalogger or external supply
or G
Common Ground
SDM-C1 (CR3000, CR5000) or C1 (other dataloggers) Data
SDM-C2 (CR3000, CR5000) or C2 (other dataloggers) Clock
SDM-C3 (CR3000, CR5000) or C3 (other dataloggers) Enable
Multiple SDM-CVO4s may be wired in parallel by connecting the SDM and
power connections from one SDM-CVO4 to the next.
If the total cable length connecting SDM-CVO4s to
SDM-CVO4s, other SDMS and the datalogger exceeds 6 m, the
SDM baud rate may need to be reduced to ensure reliable operation.
Please contact Campbell Scientific for more information.
The transient protection of the SDM-CVO4 relies on a low resistance path to
earth. Ensure that the ground return wire has as low a resistance as possible. An
additional G terminal is provided which can be connected directly to the enclosure
earth ground terminal to ensure this. Make sure the ground wire from the SDM-
CVO4 to the datalogger goes to its G terminal and not the AG terminal.
The SDM-CVO4 uses spring-loaded terminal blocks for the connections to the
datalogger which provide quick, vibration resistant, connections. To attach wires,
Instruction Manual
insert a small screwdriver into either the top or front slot, as appropriate, and push
to open the terminal spring. Strip any insulation from the wire to give 7 to 9 mm
bare wire. Push the wire into the opening, and, while holding it in position,
withdraw the screwdriver to release the spring. The wire will now be firmly held
in place. See Figures 4-1 and 4-2, below.
Figure 4-1. Use of the Spring-Loaded Terminal Blocks (Top Position)
Figure 4-2. Use of the Spring-Loaded Terminal Blocks (Front Position)
You cannot reliably insert more than one solid-core wire into one terminal
connector unless the wires are soldered or clamped together. When inserting more
than one stranded wire, twist the bare ends together before insertion.
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
4.2 Output Device Connections
For each output channel there are four terminals which are labelled Vo, Id plus
there are two ground ( ) connections per channel. The two ground terminals
are internally connected; two are provided for convenience.
4.2.1 Voltage Output Mode
The Vo terminal is the output for either the preset voltage signal, when the channel
is set to operate in voltage mode or an unregulated 15 VDC power source in
current mode.
In voltage mode the connection to a remote device is a simple two wire
Remote Voltage Input
4.2.2 Current Output Mode
The Id terminal acts as the input for the current that is to be controlled. In current
output mode you arrange to sink current into the terminal with a positive current
flowing relative to the ground terminals. (In voltage output mode this terminal has
no function.)
There are several different possible connections in current mode. As each channel
is isolated and floating, the method of connection to a remote device is flexible.
There are two different ways of powering the loop current.
Instruction Manual
a) The remote device powers the loop, where, depending on the ground
referencing requirements of that device, the connection can be as shown in
the diagrams below:
Remote Voltage
Source +ve
Remote Current
Remote Current
b) The SDM-CVO4 provides the voltage source to drive the loop. In this case
the only real option is:
Remote Current
In both cases you need to consider whether the voltage supply is high enough to
allow the maximum current to flow (20 mA) through all of the series resistances
in the current loop. When considering this factor you need to allow for a
minimum 2.5 V drop between the Id and
terminal of the
SDM-CVO4. You need to add this value to the estimated drop of 20 mA flowing
through the total resistance of the cable in the ‘loop’ plus any voltage drop in the
remote device (normally the voltage drop across a fixed sense resistor).
As a simple example, consider the situation where the SDM-CVO4 is powering
the loop (as in (b) above), then the supply voltage output from Vo is 13.5 (absolute
minimum). If the remote device has a 250 ohms sense resistor this will drop 5V at
20mA (using Ohm’s law), which in addition to the
SDM-CVO4's 2.5 V drop in the loop means the maximum allowable voltage drop
in the cable of the loop should be 13.5 - 5.0 - 2.5 = 6.0 V. At 20 mA current flow,
the loop could therefore have a maximum resistance of 300 ohms. Standard 24
AWG (7/0.2 mm) cable has a typical resistance of 85 ohms per 1000 m. Allowing
double this resistance to form a loop (there and back), will mean the total cable
length could be as long as 1700 m before the supply voltage started to limit the
current flowing.
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
4.2.3 Shield and Ground Connections
It is generally advisable to used shielded (screened) cable when connecting the
output to any remote system to reduce the chances of noise pickup. The shield
will only be effective if it is connected to a good ground reference point.
As a result of the isolation barrier in the SDM-CVO4, the ground terminals
associated with the output connector of each channel cannot be considered as good
ground reference points. Therefore it is advisable to make the connection of the
screen to a good ground point at the remote system rather than the
SDM-CVO4. Do not connect the screen at both ends of the cable as this may
result in a ground loop being formed.
The output circuitry of the SDM-CVO4 includes protective components to
minimize the chances of damage that can be caused by transients which can be
induced in the signal cable. The protection clamps the transient voltages to non-
damaging levels relative to the ground terminals on each output channel.
If the voltage of that ground point exceeds the datalogger ground potential by
more than approximately 2500 VDC, a secondary level protector will break down
to provide a path for energy to discharge to the datalogger ground. The likelihood
of secondary breakdown can be avoided, if required (perhaps for safety reasons),
by connecting a wire to the output ground terminals of the SDM-CVO4 to provide
a low impedance path to ground. In doing this, though, there is a risk that you will
nullify the effects of the isolation barrier, e.g. if the ground you connect to is the
same ground to which the datalogger is connected.
You need to carefully study the ground connections of the entire system when
connecting a grounding wire to the output ground terminal, both to avoid creating
a ground loop/referencing problem and also possibly causing a safety issue.
4.2.4 Output Terminal Connectors
The output connections use normal, 4-way, screw terminal fixings. These can be
unplugged for ease of wiring, if required.
4.3 Output Mode Setting
An internal jumper sets the output mode for each channel of the SDM-CVO4. The
output mode can either be voltage or current mode, as described above. To change
the mode setting, the case must be opened. To do this first disconnect the device
from any source or power, disconnect the output connections (you can unplug the
connectors) and then remove the four larger screws from the face of the case
which has the product name written. Lay the unit on a flat surface and then, after
taking anti-static precautions, lift off the top half of the case to expose the circuit
Then refer to Figure 4-3 below to identify the block of jumpers that control the
output mode. To operate in current mode, the jumper relevant to the channel
concerned must be installed between the two jumper pins, as shown. If operating
in voltage mode, the jumper should not bridge any two pins, but may be stored, if
required, by fitting it to just one of the pins, leaving the other half unconnected.
Instruction Manual
Select channel(s) by
fitting jumper (s)
between appropriate
terminals. (Current
mode only.) Jumper
shown fitted to
‘enable’ Channel 4.
Jumper shown fitted
in the unconnected
‘stored’ position.
Figure 4-3. Location of Jumpers on Circuit Board
Do not store the jumpers between any other pins in the block
as this may switch the module into a factory calibration mode,
which may result in abnormal operation and change of output
The jumper settings can be overridden by the datalogger program, if required,
using special commands. Please contact Campbell Scientific for details.
4.4 SDM Address Setting
Each SDM-CVO4 can have 1 of 16 addresses. The factory-set address is 00.
Table 4-2 shows switch position and the corresponding address. Figure 4-4 shows
the position of the switch on the right-hand end of the casing. Note that you will
have to remove the right-hand mounting bracket to gain access to this switch.
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
Table 4-2. Switch Position and Addresses
Switch Setting
Base 4 Address
Use a screwdriver to select address
Figure 4-4. Address Selection Switch
The address switch has a hexadecimal setting position (0..F). Most datalogger
instructions require you to enter the address as a base 4 number. Please see your
datalogger manual for more details of the convention required.
4.5 Safety Considerations
Where the potential voltage difference between the datalogger and the
SDM-CVO4 outputs is considered to be non-hazardous (less than 50 V) then the
unit can be used as any other peripheral without undue concerns as to the risks to
safety of the user.
As with the datalogger, it is essential to ensure that the device has a good
connection to an earth grounding point to allow the safe discharge of any transient
voltages and also ensure proper screening of the device. The
SDM-CVO4 has two G terminals on the black connector which are used for
connections to the datalogger. One of these can be used to connect the device
directly to the earth ground point of the enclosure to ensure the lowest resistance
path to ground.
Instruction Manual
Where the SDM-CVO4 is going to be used in applications where the potential
difference between the datalogger and the output terminals exceeds 50 V RMS
AC, 74 VDC then careful consideration has to be taken to ensure safe operation
and compliance with local safety regulations. For such applications Campbell
Scientific does not supply the device as a stand-alone device which will meet all
safety requirements. The SDM-CVO4 is supplied as a component for the user to
install in a system that is, itself, designed to comply with such regulations. The
following guidance is given to help users meet the requirements of such
The SDM-CVO4 is designed such that the internal safety barrier meets the
requirements of BS EN 61010-1 (similar to IEC 950). However, the method of
wire connection and earthing facilities prevents the unit being claimed as
compliant with such standards, when supplied as a stand-alone unit.
To meet the safety requirements of most countries, wires carrying hazardous
voltages, terminated in screw terminals must be housed in an enclosure requiring a
tool to open it, and the enclosure must have international symbols on the outside
warning of high voltages. An additional warning label, in the local language, may
be required stating that the source of hazardous voltage must be turned off before
the enclosure is opened.
The exact nature of the enclosure is covered by the standards, but an enclosure
designed to house electrical equipment will usually meet the requirements.
Campbell Scientific's ENC 12/14 or 16/18 enclosures meet these requirements if
fitted with a padlock and with the correct labels on the door.
It is also necessary to ensure that metal parts on the outside of the enclosure that
might come in contact with active high voltage circuits are connected to a safety
ground. The ground lug of Campbell Scientific enclosures is the main issue for the
above enclosures, but this would, in any case, normally be the point of contact to a
good ground point.
Cables that connect to the output of the SDM-CVO4 should have adequate strain
relief at the point of exit from the enclosure, and the cable and any connectors
used should be rated to a high enough voltage and assembled in a safe fashion.
If possible, the external device which is operating at a high voltage relative to
ground should be configured with an earth leakage breaker system to disconnect it
from the voltage source in the event of a breakdown of the insulation in the
system causing a leak to ground.
With a system made to the above requirements the maximum recommended
continuous operating voltage between the datalogger and input is 240 VAC. This
value is derived from the voltage rating of the terminal blocks used and an internal
suppression capacitor (see below).
The unit is designed to withstand a transient flash test of 1500 V RMS AC, for
two seconds. However, you need to be aware of some aspects of the design which
can influence the results of such a test if made.
a) To help suppress emissions of electromagnetic interference the isolation
barrier is bridged by a 1nF, class ‘Y’ safety capacitor. This is rated to
withstand a 2700V, 2 second flash test, but will fail if exposed to
voltages in excess of 240 V RMS for long periods.
b) To provide protection from transients and static for this capacitor and the
opto-isolation component that bridges the barrier, there is a spark gap
across the barrier that has a 2500 VDC nominal breakdown voltage. If
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
this device is at the low end of its tolerance band (±10%), combined
with the normal tolerance of flash test devices, then the spark gap could
fire during a 1500 VAC flash test, which may cause an indication of
failure. Testing at a slightly lower voltage will confirm whether there is
a true fault or not.
If you have any doubts about the safety of your installation please first seek
advice from your local safety advisor and then Campbell Scientific if you require
further technical details.
To ensure safe and correct operation, the SDM-CVO4 must
be installed where there is no risk of water ingress or
5. General Principles of Use
5.1 Voltage or Current Signalling
Where the SDM-CVO4 is being used to retransmit measured values from sensors
to remote displays or measurement systems, the datalogger program would
normally follow the process of taking measurements and writing the measured
values into input locations using the same principles as given in the manuals for
those sensors.
The measured values would then be scaled using the processing instructions of the
datalogger, using either Instructions 37 and 34 or Instruction 53 (if available in
your datalogger). Prior to scaling, or during the scaling calculations, the values
relating to the four channels of the SDM-CVO4 will normally be written into four
new sequential input locations, both to match the required inputs for Instruction
103 and also to preserve the original measurement values for other purposes.
Instruction 103 would then be executed at the same rate as the measurements have
been made, to transmit the settings to the SDM-CVO4 and cause the outputs to be
updated at the same rate. As the required output levels are held in a digital form in
the SDM-CVO4, there is little advantage in sending data more frequently – the
only benefit being that it would recover more quickly in the event of a loss of
5.2 Providing Excitation Supplies to Sensors
As mentioned in the introduction to this manual, one application for this device is
to provide an excitation to a sensor or sensors that are to be measured by the
datalogger. This may be considered where a sensor requires a precise voltage or
current excitation which cannot be provided by the datalogger itself, or perhaps
where exciting the sensor from the datalogger or its power supply would cause a
common-mode measurement problem. An example of the latter problem is where
the sensor outputs are not within the common-mode voltage that the datalogger
will accept (±2.5 V for the CR10X).
Careful consideration should be made before using an SDM-CVO4 for such a
function. Not only is it a relatively expensive method, but it can also result in a
less accurate method of sensor measurement (compared to when the datalogger
excites the sensors directly) if the precision of the output is critical to the sensor
The reason for this is that direct datalogger excitation is a ratiometric
measurement whereby any drift in the excitation output of the datalogger is
Instruction Manual
compensated for. With the SDM-CVO4 as an excitation source, any drift in its
output accuracy, or of the logger measurement accuracy, can result in a
combination of those errors. It is worth investigating, therefore, the exact
requirements of the sensors you wish to use. For instance, on closer inspection of
the specification of many pressure sensors you will often find the recommendation
of 10V excitation, but in reality many will accept a lower voltage. If new sensors
are to be bought for a specific project, it can be worth checking if versions of
sensors are available that will accept a low voltage excitation.
There are, however, some sensors that have active components or that have large
common mode output voltages that require an isolated and/or precise high voltage
supply within the current output capability of the SDM-CVO4. In this context the
SDM-CVO4 can be used to provide an isolated supply which can be regulated in
the range of 0-10,000 mV, a regulated current (0-20 mA) or an unregulated 15 V
(nominal) supply (by setting current output mode and using the Vo terminal).
In these applications, if all channels of the SDM-CVO4 are being used for
exciting sensors, you can use the standby mode between measurements to save
power. To do this you would send a command (instruction 103 with zero reps -
see below) to the SDM-CVO4 to shut it down after making the measurements.
When using this mode you need to allow at least 100ms after turning the
SDM-CVO4 on again (by using instruction 103 with a non-zero number of reps)
for the outputs to stabilize, before starting your measurement sequence.
It is possible that you can power more than one sensor from each output of the
SDM-CVO4, either by parallel connection in voltage output mode or serial
connection in current output mode. Make sure, however, that you do not try to
take more current than available in voltage mode. Additionally you also need to
check that all outputs from the sensors powered by one channel do not have a
spread which exceeds the common mode range of the datalogger inputs.
6. Datalogger Programming
Our CR10(X), 21X, and CR23X dataloggers use Edlog Instruction 103. Our
CR800, CR1000, CR3000, and CR5000 use the SDM-CVO4 instruction in
CRBasic. Both Edlog and CRBasic are provided in PC400 or LoggerNet
6.1 Edlog Instruction 103
To allow full backwards compatibility with older dataloggers and operating
systems, the SDM-CVO4 is designed to work with the instruction supplied to
control the SDM-AO4 – Instruction 103. However, most datalogger manuals and
program editor help systems do not refer to the SDM-CVO4 in the description of
Instruction 103. Please see the details of use below to understand the differences.
Instruction 103 is described in Table 6-1 and allows you to set four separate
output levels for one SDM-CVO4, or several output levels with multiple
SDM-CVO4s. Output levels are reset each time Instruction 103 is executed.
Instruction 103 was originally designed to take an input location range of
-5000 to +5000 and output this directly in mV when using the SDM-A04. When
used with the SDM-CVO4, the same range of values (±5000) in an input location
is used to scale the output to 0-10000mV for voltage mode, or
0-20 mA for current output mode.
In most applications a specific range of a measured value is scaled to utilize the
full scale output of SDM-CVO4. For instance, a temperature sensor reading in the
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
range of -20°C to +50°C would be scaled so at -20C the output is 0 mV and at
+50°C the output is 10000 mV. To do this with the SDM-CVO4 you would use
the mathematical functions of the datalogger to calculate a scaled value in a new
input location, so that the value is -5000 when the temperature is -20°C and
+5000 at +50°C.
The datalogger limits the output of the SDM-CVO4 so that even if the measured
value exceeds the intended range (i.e. the scaling value exceeds
±5000) the signal output is limited to the equivalent output at -5000 or +5000.
Therefore the datalogger instruction does not normally need to have extra
instructions to limit the scaling value range. However for displays or input devices
which require a current signal of 4-20 mA, the datalogger program needs to
include extra instructions to prevent the scaling value going below
- 3000 (see the examples below) and thereby setting the lowest possible output to
4 mA.
When checking the output of the SDM-CVO4 against the scaling value you
should be aware that the output changes in discrete steps, e.g. 2.5 mV in voltage
mode. When the datalogger works out which of these discrete steps to set for a
given scaling value, a combination of floating point mathematics followed by
truncation to an integer value is made. This will sometimes result in the transition
from one output step to the next not happening at the exact midpoint value of each
2.5 mV step, although it should happen within a limit of ±0.5 in terms of the
scaling value stored in the input location.
The number of repetitions, parameter 1, specifies the total number of
SDM-CVO4 output channels to be set. The address of the first SDM-CVO4 is
specified with parameter 2; multiple SDM-CVO4s must have consecutive
addresses. Parameter 3 is the starting input location containing the scaling value
for the first output channel of the first SDM-CVO4. Subsequent scaling values
must be contained in consecutive input locations immediately after the first input
location specified in parameter 3.
For example, two SDM-CVO4s can be used to output eight signals, which are
contained in input locations 15 to 22. There are eight repetitions, and so eight (8)
is entered for parameter 1. The SDM-CVO4s must have consecutive addresses
(e.g. 31 and 32), and so parameter 2 would contain 31 in this case. Fifteen (15)
would be entered for parameter 3.
Table 6-1. Description of Instruction 103
Reps — Number of analogue outputs
Address of SDM-CVO4 in base 4 (00 to 33)
Input loc. holds scaling value for the output level
Setting the Reps parameter to 0 (Zero) will cause the addressed SDM-CVO4 to
shut down, turning off all its outputs. It will turn on channels 1 and 2 at the next
execution of Instruction P103 where the reps parameter is 1 or 2. If the reps
parameter is greater than 2, then all the channels will be turned on.
Refer to the manual for the datalogger being used for full details of the execution
time of Instruction 103. All of the outputs of the SDM-CVO4 will change
simultaneously approximately 10ms after the instruction is completed by the
datalogger, or 100ms after power-up.
Instruction Manual
If the SDM-CVO4 loses power for any reason, when power is restored the outputs
will return to the default ‘off’ state. This will be held until the datalogger runs
Instruction 103 again to update the output levels required.
6.2 Edlog Program Examples
The following program examples are given to help you understand the general
principles involved in the use of the SDM-CVO4.
6.2.1 Voltage and 0-20 mA Current Output Modes
This program example is for a simple weather station with a CR23X Micrologger
measuring wind speed, wind direction, temperature and solar radiation. Each
parameter is scaled to the full-scale output range of the
SDM-CVO4 which would be 0-10,000 mV DC or 0-20 mA, depending on the
output jumper settings. Programming for the CR10X is very similar.
; {CR23X}
; Example weather station program to show scaling values
; for the SDM-CVO4
*Table 1 Program
01: 1
Execution Interval (seconds)
; Measure the output from a switch closure anemometer (A100R)
1: Pulse (P3)
3: 22
5: 1.25
6: 0.0
Pulse Channel 1
Switch Closure, Output Hz
Loc [ WindSpeed ]
Mult ; Scale to m/s
; Measure the wind direction from a potentiometer windvane
2: Excite-Delay (SE) (P4)
2: 14
1000 mV, Fast Range
SE Channel
Excite all reps w/Exchan 1
Delay (units 0.01 sec)
mV Excitation
Loc [ WindDir ]
Mult ; Scale to angle in degrees
6: 1000
8: 0.357
9: 0.0
; Measure air temperature from a 107 probe
3: Temp (107) (P11)
SE Channel
3: 31
Excite all reps w/E1, 50Hz, 10ms delay
Loc [ AirT
5: 1.0
6: 0.0
Mult ; Scale to degrees C
; Measure solar radiation from an SP-Lite
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
4: Volt (SE) (P1)
2: 32
50 mV, 50 Hz Reject, Slow Range
SE Channel
Loc [ Radiation ]
5: 100
6: 0.0
; Now output data in the normal way to final storage
5: If time is (P92)
3: 10
Minutes (Seconds --) into a
Interval (same units as above)
Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
6: Real Time (P77)
1: 110
Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 0000)
7: Wind Vector (P69)
Samples per Sub-Interval
S, é1, & å(é1) Polar
Wind Speed/East Loc [ WindSpeed ]
Wind Direction/North Loc [ WindDir ]
8: Average (P71)
Loc [ AirT
; Now the code to scale the values and update the SDM-CVO4
; As we have four channels to output, we will first copy the
; current readings with P54, block move, in a block of four
; input locations to hold the scaled outputs
9: Block Move (P54)
No. of Values
First Source Loc [ WindSpeed ]
Source Step
First Destination Loc [ ScldOut_1 ]
Destination Step
; Then apply the scaling with one Instruction P53
; The readings are scaled -5000 to +5000, i.e. to
; cover the full scale range which would equate to
; 0 - 10,000 mV in voltage mode or 0-20 mA in
; current mode.
; Windspeed to cover the range 0-100 m/s
; Wind direction to cover 0-360 degrees
; Temperature -25 to +50 degrees C
; Radiation 0 - 1000 m^2/s
10: Scaling Array (A*Loc+B) (P53)
Start Loc [ ScldOut_1 ]
A1 ; WS multiplier
B1 ; WS Offset
2: 100
3: -5000
4: 27.7778 A2
5: -5000 B2
6: 133.333 A3
Instruction Manual
7: -1666.67 B3
8: 10
9: -5000
; Now update the SDM-CVO4 with the information
; for the four channels
11: SDM-AO4 (P103)
2: 30
SDM Address
Loc [ ScldOut_1 ]
6.2.2 Restricted Range Current Output Modes (4-20 mA)
When driving a system that requires a restricted current range then the full-scale
range is reduced accordingly. In the case of 4-20 mA devices the maximum range
is 8000 units and the minimum value should be scaled to
-3000 and prevented from going below this level.
The following partial program could be used in place of the last two instructions
in the example above.
; Then apply the scaling with one instruction P53
; The readings are scaled -3000 to +5000, i.e. to
; cover the range which would equate to
; 4-20 mA in current mode.
; Windspeed to cover the range 0-100 m/s
; Wind direction to cover 0-360 degrees
; Temperature -25 to +50 degrees C
; Radiation 0 - 1000 m^2/s
10: Scaling Array (A*Loc+B) (P53)
2: 80
3: -3000
Start Loc [ ScldOut_1 ]
A1 ; WS multiplier
B1 ; WS Offset
4: 22.2222 A2
5: -3000 B2
6: 106.667 A3
7: -333.32 B3
9: -3000
; Now limit the lowest scaled value to -3000 (4 mA)
; As we have four 4-20 mA current outputs, a loop
; construct is the easiest way to do this.
11: Beginning of Loop (P87)
1: 0000
Loop Count
; If the scaled value is less the –3000
12: If (X<=>F) (P89)
-- X Loc [ ScldOut_1 ]
3: -3000
4: 30
Then Do
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
; then set the value to –3000
13: Z=F (P30)
1: -3000
2: 00
Exponent of 10
14: End (P95)
15: End (P95)
-- Z Loc [ ScldOut_1 ]
; Now update the SDM-CVO4 with the information
; for the four channels
16: SDM-AO4 (P103)
2: 30
SDM Address
Loc [ ScldOut_1 ]
6.2.3 Providing Isolated Power Supplies to Sensors
This program example sets all the outputs of the SDM-CVO4 to 10 V to provide
isolated power supplies to four separate sensors. The program includes code to put
the SDM-CVO4 into standby mode after the measurements are made.
; {CR10X}
; An example program which show use of the SDM-CVO4
; as an isolated power supply for 4 sensors requiring
; 10 V drive and producing 0-100 mV signals.
; This shows how to set the SDM-CVO4 into standby mode.
*Table 1 Program
Execution Interval (seconds)
; Store a fixed value of 5000 = 10 V output
; in the four scaling locations
1: Bulk Load (P65)
1: 5000
2: 5000
3: 5000
4: 5000
5: 0.0
6: 0.0
7: 0.0
8: 0.0
Loc [ Scale_1 ]
; Tell the SDM-CVO4 to set all four outputs to 10,000 mV
; The SDM-CVO4 address is zero in this example.
; This will cause the SDM-CVO4 to come out of standby
; mode.
2: SDM-AO4 (P103)
2: 00
SDM Address
Loc [ Scale_1 ]
Instruction Manual
; Wait 100 ms for it to power-on and the outputs to stabilize
; You may need to increase this delay if the sensors ; themselves
; have a power-on delay
3: Excitation with Delay (P22)
Ex Channel
2: 0000
3: 10
4: 0000
Delay W/Ex (units = 0.01 sec)
Delay After Ex (units = 0.01 sec)
mV Excitation
; Take the four measurements from the Pressure sensors.
4: Volt (Diff) (P2)
2: 04
250 mV Slow Range
DIFF Channel
Loc [ Press_1 ]
5: 1.0
6: 0.0
; Now turn off the SDM-CVO4 by using the command with 0 reps.
5: SDM-AO4 (P103)
2: 00
SDM Address
Loc [ Scale_1 ]
; Now the normal output processing and final storage
; instructions would follow, for example:
; Every hour set the output flag
6: If time is (P92)
2: 60
3: 10
Minutes (Seconds --) into a
Interval (same units as above)
Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
; Store time
7: Real Time (P77)
1: 1110
Year,Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 0000)
; Store the average readings
8: Average (P71)
Loc [ Press_1 ]
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
6.3 CRBasic SDMCVO4 Instruction
This instruction is used to control the SDM-CVO4 four channel current/voltage
output device.
SDMCVO4 ( CVO4Source, CVO4Reps, SDMAddress, CVO4Mode )
This instruction controls the SDM-CVO4, which outputs a voltage or a current.
Internal jumpers are used to set the mode for the device, but the jumpers can be
overridden with the Mode parameter in this instruction.
CVO4Source The CVO4Source parameter is a variable array that holds the
values for the voltages (millivolts) or currents (microamps) that
will be output by each channel of the device (Source(1) sets
channel1, Source(2) sets channel2, etc.). When outputting a
voltage, the variable must be within the range of 0 to 10,000.
When outputting a current, the variable must be within the range
of 0 to 20,000.
The CVO4Reps parameter indicates the number of channels to set
to the defined voltage or current. Additional SDM-CVO4 devices
can be controlled by one SDMCVO4 instruction by assigning
them consecutive addresses and setting the CVO4Reps parameter
to a value equal to the total number of channels of all devices
(e.g., to set all four channels on two devices, set the CVO4Reps
parameter to 8).
If the CVO4Reps parameter is set to 0, power to the device will
be turned off.
SDMAddress The SDMAddress parameter defines the address of the SDM-
CVO4 which will be affected by this instruction. Valid SDM
addresses are 0 through 14. Address 15 is reserved for the
SDMTrigger instruction.
CRBasic dataloggers use base 10 when addressing SDM devices.
Edlog programmed dataloggers (e.g., CR10X, CR23X) used base 4
for addressing.
The CVO4Mode determines what type of signal will be output by
the device. The options are:
Option Description
Voltage output, use jumper settings (scale only)
Current output; use jumper settings (scale only)
Voltage output; override jumper setting
Current output; override jumper setting
The two override options (10 and 11) affect all of the channels of
all of the SDM-CVO4 devices being controlled by this
instruction. These two options override the hardware settings in
the device. Use of this mode takes approximately 2 milliseconds
additional time per device. When either of these options is used
you lose the flexibility of setting the output mode for each
channel individually. Additionally, subsequent programs sent to
the datalogger must also use an override mode or the power must
Instruction Manual
be cycled on the device to return it to its default state. Otherwise,
if 0 or 1 is entered it will be ignored and the device will remain in
its last override state. Refer to Section 4.2.2 for connection
6.4 SDM-CVO4 Instruction Example
This program example is for a weather station measuring wind speed, wind
direction, temperature, and relative humidity. Each parameter is scaled to 0 to
10000 mVDC, and output to a SCADA system through the SDM-CVO4.
Public WS_ms
Public WD_0_360
Public Temp_C
Public RH
Public WD_0_540
Public Flag
Public CVO4Output(4)
Alias CVO4Output(1) = WSOut
Alias CVO4Output(2) = WDOut
Alias CVO4Output(3) = TempOut
Alias CVO4Output(4) = RHOut
'Code for DataTable OneMin
WindVector (1, WS_ms,WD_0_360, IEEE4, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Sample(1,RH, IEEE4)
' Code for 03001 wind measurements, WS_ms & WD_0_360:
PulseCount(WS_ms, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.75, 0.2)
BrHalf(WD_0_360, 1,mV1000, 1, 1, 1, 1000, True, 1000, 250, 355, 0)
' Code for CS500 measurement, AirTC and RH:
VoltSE(Temp_C,1,mV1000,3,0, 0, _60Hz,0.1,-40.0)
VoltSE(RH,1,mV1000,2,0, 0, _60Hz,0.1, 0)
' Call Data Table
' Convert 0-360 WD to 0-540:
If WD_0_540 >= 270 and WD_0_360 <180 Then
WD_0_540 = WD_0_360 + 360
WD_0_540 = WD_0_360
SDM-CVO4 4-Channel Current/Voltage Output Module
' Scale the measurements for the SDM-CVO4 to output 0-10000 mV
WSOut = WS_ms*200 'WS: 0-50 m/s = 0-10000 mV
WDOut = WD_0_540 *18.59 'WD: 0-540 deg = 0-10000mV
TempOut= 100*(Temp_C+40) 'Temp: -40-60 deg C = 0-10000 mV
RHOut = RH *100 'RH: 0-100 % RH = 0-10000 mV
' Send mV outputs to SDM-CVO4 using the option to override the switch settings
SDMCVO4 (CVO4Output(),4,0,10)
This is a blank page.
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